Yoga to Wake Your Inner Child
Can you remember the excitement of being a child during the Christmas season? The pure unadulterated joy of snow days, building snowmen, decorating the tree, baking cookies, watching TV specials, singing holiday songs and the anticipation of the big day? Well if you even just cracked a little smile thinking about that, then your inner child is just waiting for you to set aside the stress of adulting and spend some quality time with yourself. Besides, I can remember doing many of these poses in play as a youth, perhaps you can as well.
Yoga's the Natural Choice
Kids (and animals) live in the moment. They also move around a LOT! Anyone who has watched a toddler for any length of time will agree that they are by far the most talented yogis around. They strike some odd poses and sometimes even fall asleep that way. Yoga is instinctive to kids and animals and that is why there are so many poses named after them. Well, at least the English version of the names. The poses I am sharing with you today will help you to reconnect to your inner child. in fact, you might even remember doing something similar. If you keep an open mind, they might just bring back some fond childhood memories. So rediscover your inner child and help her stretch her legs a bit. These poses are also designed to balance each of the chakras although they are not listed in chakra order. The chakra is in parenthesis and they are color coded. Besides, I have a VERY important challenge for you at the end of this article, so keep reading!
The poses
I just want to say before we get into it that Yoga with Adriene is my favorite, I love her explanations and how she goes through each step. I hope you find her videos as enjoyable as I do. The only one I couldn't find on her channel was for Happy Baby so that one is with Lynn Burgess another yogi whose videos I enjoy. Enjoy!
1. Cat/Cow (5)
Yoga to Wake Your Inner Child
Can you remember the excitement of being a child during the Christmas season? The pure unadulterated joy of snow days, building snowmen, decorating the tree, baking cookies, watching TV specials, singing holiday songs and the anticipation of the big day? Well if you even just cracked a little smile thinking about that, then your inner child is just waiting for you to set aside the stress of adulting and spend some quality time with yourself. Besides, I can remember doing many of these poses in play as a youth, perhaps you can as well.
Yoga's the Natural Choice
Kids (and animals) live in the moment. They also move around a LOT! Anyone who has watched a toddler for any length of time will agree that they are by far the most talented yogis around. They strike some odd poses and sometimes even fall asleep that way. Yoga is instinctive to kids and animals and that is why there are so many poses named after them. Well, at least the English version of the names. The poses I am sharing with you today will help you to reconnect to your inner child. in fact, you might even remember doing something similar. If you keep an open mind, they might just bring back some fond childhood memories. So rediscover your inner child and help her stretch her legs a bit. These poses are also designed to balance each of the chakras although they are not listed in chakra order. The chakra is in parenthesis and they are color coded. Besides, I have a VERY important challenge for you at the end of this article, so keep reading!
The poses
I just want to say before we get into it that Yoga with Adriene is my favorite, I love her explanations and how she goes through each step. I hope you find her videos as enjoyable as I do. The only one I couldn't find on her channel was for Happy Baby so that one is with Lynn Burgess another yogi whose videos I enjoy. Enjoy!
1. Cat/Cow (5)
Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. It stretches the back torso and neck, and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs. I can remember crawling around pretending to be many animals and a cat was just one of them, with their arched back.
2. Lion’s Breath (5)
Lion’s Breath has a playful nature, and the breath control activity encourages a sudden release of energy. This releases stored negative energy. Just try completing a few rounds of Lion’s Breath without smiling and feeling your inner child giggle. Perhaps one of the many funny faces made in those "I can make you laugh first" contests.
3. Child’s Pose (6)
Child’s Pose is wonderfully nurturing and nourishing. The placement of your “third eye” – the spot just between your eyebrows – on the mat creates an instant calming effect on your brain. Child’s Pose signals to your inner child to relax and let go of worries. I can definitely remember lying like this reading a book (and sometimes falling asleep in it as well).
4. Cobra Pose (4)
Cobra pose is an energizing backbend best known for its ability to increase the flexibility of the spine. It stretches the chest while strengthening the spine and shoulders. This pose also stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion. This pose usually struck when you were coloring or reading or watching TV and were summoned by an adult out of your reverie.
5. Downward Facing Dog (3)
Downward-Facing Dog energizes and rejuvenates the entire body. It is good for digestion and back pain. As a child, any time you had to get up from what you were doing or when you just wanted a different perspective on life.
6. Lizard Pose (2)
Reminiscent of playing the floor is lava and you're climbing from pillow to pillow or chair to couch (If you actually got away with it). That was what it reminded me of anyway. It is a good hip opener and great to stretch and build the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Honestly, I have to say the very first time I was stretching into this pose all I could think of was "right foot-green and left foot-red" like I was playing Twister.
7. Half Moon Pose (7)
Half Moon Pose is a fantastic pose to challenge your balance in a playful and exciting way. It is a stepping stone to the dancer pose. Get playful with it and do your best, if you lose balance, that is what practice is for! Ahh yes, my favorite hopscotch pose. When you were going to pick that rock up and trying to talk to your friends as well... oh yeah!
8. Happy Baby Pose (1)
Happy Baby Pose is a major hip opener, it releases the spine and sacrum, and it stimulates your sacral chakra. This pose awakens your inner child and boosts your mood. While in the pose, smile, rock from side to side and giggle. Perhaps I'm really letting my age show, but when we would get together to watch Christmas shows, I got the floor seat and the adults got the couch. I do remember rolling around and stretching out my bum during the commercials just like this, and I was more than happy to be doing it. Commercial breaks were usually when mom went to grab snacks for everyone!!!
Your very important challenge!
Now that you are back on speaking terms with your inner child it is important to continue nurturing her. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to find one thing each day to do that caters to your inner child. It doesn't have to be extravagant. Here are a couple of ideas:
Wake your kids up by blasting Christmas songs... better yet, just sing to them.
Throw a snowball at your significant other or your kids (be prepared for a fight)
Leave a knock-knock joke in your child's lunch box.
Quietly build a snowman on a friend's front step and then ring the doorbell and hide.
Have your kids pick the grumpiest person they know and be a secret Santa for them.
Make some happy memories with your family!
Try this for the remainder of this holiday season and see how you feel. You may not want to stop. It creates joy in you and brings joy to others around you. Have fun with it and live in the moment. Leave adulthood behind for that little bit of time. Part 2 of that task is to share with me all the fun things you've come up with. Get creative! if you get to take pictures, all the better, I LOVE pictures. Now Lastly, be sure to share this with your friends, sign up and follow us on Facebook and Pinterest (those I am most active on). Love, light, and blessings my friends. Namaste!