Our essential oil line is new and so I thought this would be a good time to put up a reference sheet about them along with some guidelines.
Here are some noteworthy points about our oils:
They are neet, which means they are pure undiluted essential oils. We do not make them, however, we do procure each of them from a highly reputable distributor.
Because they are undiluted, some may cause skin irritation and therefore should be put into a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil before using directly on the skin. Always test on a small area with new oil before using.
If you have animals do not use your oils on or around your animals without checking to make sure they are safe for use on animals. Cats are particularly sensitive to oils. Here is a basic list of oils to AVOID with your animals:
Dogs: Anise, Yarrow, Juniper
Cats: Basil, Juniper, Birch, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Tea Tree/Melaleuca, Oregano, Peppermint, Citrus Oils
Dogs & Cats: Clove, Thyme, Wintergreen,
Do not ingest essential oils. They are for external use only.
Keep away from pets and children.
Promotes mental energy and supports concentration
Helps maintain clear airways
Helps maintain invigorated appearance of skin
Helps soothe sore muscles
Has grounding, calming, uplifting, and aphrodisiac effects on the mood as well as warming effects on the skin
Is ideal for enhancing skin quality and addressing acne
Is ideal for soothing respiratory ailments, such as coughs and bronchitis, as well as physical stress and inflammation
Is ideal for naturally reducing hair loss and dandruff
Deodorizes and purify the air by eliminating harmful bacteria
Relieves the discomfort of inflammation such as redness, itching, and swelling
Enhances concentration and spiritual experiences
Soothes physical and emotional discomforts ranging from headaches to anxiety
Balances and enhance the complexion
Is ideal for use in addressing feminine ailments related to reproductive health
Has uplifting properties that enhance the mood to reduce feelings of anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and sadness
Exhibits astringent properties that cause the skin, tissues, and muscles to contract in order to leave the face and body looking clear, toned, and tightened
Stimulates and enhances circulation
Has anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that may prevent viral infections
Facilitates the body’s elimination of toxins
Enhances digestion and reduce the chances of developing flatulence
Used in aromatherapy, Grapefruit Essential Oil benefits include enhancing a sense of energy, helping to manage stressful and anxious feelings, and helping to manage feelings of discomfort experienced from stiffness and aches.
Used in natural cosmetic products, Grapefruit Essential Oil is reputed to help maintain smooth-looking skin, to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, and to help balance oily skin and hair.
Is anti-inflammatory
Is calming
relieves headaches
supports immunity
Is a sedative
Is skin healing
Moisturizes and smooths dry skin
Relieves fatigue and boosts energy
Boosts energy
Enhances metabolism
Tones the body and reduces the appearance of cellulite
Balances oil production
Relieves anxiety, stress, and insomnia
Reduces the appearance of cellulite
Soothes inflammation
Relieves muscle aches and joint pains
Tightens and tone skin
Cleanses pores
Reduces irritability and nervousness
Is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, carminative, diuretic, tonic, and sedative
Is an effective remedy for various health issues associated with inflammation, such as arthritis
Effectively offers relief to those suffering from fevers or the side effects of medication or toxic substances
Has anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties that make it ideal for use when trying to prevent minor wounds or burns from becoming infected
Has a pleasant aroma that has been described as being uplifting for the mood, making it ideal for addressing negative emotions such as sadness and stress
Has anti-spasmodic properties, which make it valuable as a muscle relaxant that addresses spasms before they become serious
Has mild aphrodisiac qualities
Has the dual action of warming and cooling
Relieves itching, inflammation, sunburn, and muscle aches
Softens skin
Aids treatment of greasy hair/skin
Relieves headaches
Relieves mild coughing
Focuses the mind
Improves memory
Improves memory
Soothes digestive issues
Relieves aching muscles
Relieves nasal congestion
Reduces fever
Relieves muscle and joint pain
Improves mental, physical, and emotional balance
Demonstrates antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties
Is anti-inflammatory
Soothes mental stress
Comforts those who suffer from mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, and depression
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