So you have the basic knowledge of what chakras are now and you're ready for part two, aligning the chakras and learning how energy flows through them. I'm sure you have had those days when you've felt "off" or just like something wasn't quite right, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Maybe you were irritated for no apparent reason Maybe you felt sad or anxious but couldn't figure out why. Chances are that your chakras were out of alignment and the life force energy was sluggish or blocked in a certain area and you just needed to clear that to feel better. Sometimes it is just that easy. Sometimes it is not. On the flip side, I'm sure you have had days when you felt on top of the world and like you were connected to everything. Maybe you felt divinely inspired, maybe you felt like nothing could go wrong. Perhaps you had a job interview and knew before you got there that they would love you and you would get the job. Really KNEW it. Chances are that all your chakras were in alignment at that point and the lifeforce energy was flowing
perfectly through you. This is what we strive for all the time, and when we are aware of the energy flow in our body, it is a little easier to recognize blockages and address them. top-of-the-world with daily practice, we can find ourselves closer to alignment on a daily basis and better able to keep a good flow of energy going through our body. This helps us stay spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy.
Energy flow
I'm going to sidetrack for a moment. Have you ever been working and yet know when someone has entered the room, just by feeling their presence? Or someone is trying to sneak up on you but you can feel them just behind you and it has nothing to do with hearing them? If you're very sensitive, you might be able to pick up the mood of a room just by the energy flow in it or a person's mood without seeing their face. All of this is due to energy, lifeforce. It is all around us and flows through us. When it flows smoothly through and we are in alignment, we are like a waterwheel in rushing water. When our chakras are blocked we are like a dam.If that doesn't make sense, then think of it like adjusting your hand when you have it out the window of a moving car (we've all done it). Flat, you're in alignment and the energy flows through and around you with little resistance, but if you are out of alignment just a little you find yourself fighting against the power of the wind current.
Energy blockages
If you are blocked in one chakra, that energy dams up and has to go somewhere, so it overflows and causes problems usually relating to that area of the body. Energy entering
the body from the crown and energy entering from the base snake their way through the chakras until they crash into each other at the blockage. If that chakra is overactive, then you find the characteristics of that chakra magnified. Basically, we all want that balanced top of the world feeling as often as we can. Here is an example: Barry has a highly stressful job. He doesn't have much time for himself and sometimes feels as if his job takes over his life. During the busy times of the year, Barry has noticed that he has problems with his stomach. Acid reflux and stomach pain. It seems to get worse as the year progresses. After discussing it with his doctor, he had a few tests done and found he has an ulcer that needs to be treated. This example is a prime example of a third chakra blockage. The Third chakra governs our feelings of empowerment. When we are under negative stress, this is often one of the outcomes. Some other symptoms might include gas, nausea, poor digestion, and blood sugar issues as well. However the blockage manifests physically, it stems from the inability of the life force energy to flow smoothly through that chakra. The waterwheel is clogged if not completely damned.
The interconnectedness of all things
Using the water wheel as an example is an easy way of starting to help explain how the chakras carry the energy, however, they are connected to each other like gears. so while they are
carrying the energy through the body they are also powering the chakras around them. When one becomes bogged down, it slows the others, when one becomes blocked the others cannot move as well either. So if energy is being drawn up from the first chakra and only making it to the third chakra as in Barry's case, very little energy is getting beyond that blockage to the higher chakras, and what dies us slower and muddied.
Overactive chakras
Sometimes there is a chakra that seems to dominate a person. We might see a person with an overactive third chakra as power-hungry for example. In this example, the cogs have loosened and that one chakra is spinning out of control. The energy from the heavens crashes into the grounding energy and spins that chakra out of control. Still, again the other chakras are suffering because the energy is not getting to them, but for a different reason. Using the thirds chakra again:
Mary needs to feel in control of her life. She loves the fact that she is successful, she has a powerful high-paying job and although it demands long hours, she doesn't mind. Her goal is to be in the top seat no matter what. She has a plan and there are steps. If she has to step on some feet along the way, so be it. However, Mary doesn't have any room in her life for relationships or her family. She has acquaintances, but no real friends. She doesn't have the time. In time she develops high blood pressure and signs of heart disease due to the amount of stress she has put on herself. Our lives were meant to be lived in balance. Even too much of what might seem like a good thing is not good for us. I wanted to compare like chakras, but even someone who has an overflowing heart chakra can suffer in other aspects of their life. They might be the most loving person and people love them, but they might not feel like they have any control over their life. Perhaps they just cannot say no. (hello... just described me in a major way!)
Aligning the Chakras
So we come to it, how do we keep these balls of energy in alignment? There are many ways, meditation, sound, and yoga I find are the most effective for me. there are also balancing crystals, essential oils, teas, foods, and colors. It might take some experimentation to find the combination that works best for you, however, I suggest starting with meditation first.
Meditation is probably the most direct way of interacting with the chakras. It also helps you to become more aware of the flow of energy in your body. The more aware you are, the easier it is to detect a disturbance in the force. the earlier you detect a misalignment, the easier it is to correct it. We always want to feel good, and this is a good way to start. If you are new to meditation, try this guided meditation. It is a favorite of mine for chakra alignment.*side note here... They changed the look of the video and I near enough had a panic attack when I couldn't find this. I was acting like an addict in need of a fix. This man's voice is so soothing and perfect for this type of meditation. When I finally did find it, I have to admit, I got a little emotional.
A more physical way of alignment is yoga. There are particular yoga positions that correspond to each chakra and more information can be found in this post. This is also a great way to keep the life energy free-flowing throughout the body as well as healthy for your muscles and mind. Yoga is not all about contorting your body into impossible shapes as I have heard it described by some. It is a wonderful exercise program that is adaptable and available to everyone. If you are just starting out and want to learn positions I suggest working through some with Yoga with Adriene on Youtube. I find her to be very down-to-earth and I love the way she explains each movement. If you are just starting out and are of the curvy stature (as I am). There are adaptations that Adriene doesn't really go over in detail. You can find them here. There are also adaptations for older folks just starting out too.
Perhaps it is because of the vibrations, but I feel that sound is another very effective and physical way of interacting with the chakras. I cannot deny there is a strong spiritual element as well, but because of the sound waves and the vibrations, I see it as very physical. Whether it is chanting, bells, or simply music written for meditation or for yoga practice. Sound affects us in a very primal way. Whether it's the voice of a loved one or our favorite musical piece. Sound can stir emotions in us. There are certain sounds associated with each chakra, the chant for each is listed on the top diagram. Each has a specific note as well. The singing bowls are a great way to help focus on the note and tune yourself for chanting as well. this was the best example I could find. These are beautiful bowls, but I am not by any means advertising them.
Herbs and food
In my humble opinion, these are great for helping to keep the chakras balanced and for assisting in realignments, but I do not see them as a go-to for daily balancing alone. I see them more as an integral support system to yoga and meditation. Of course, food is a necessity and so being aware of what is going into your body and how it will affect your chakras is of course always wise. A balanced diet in nutrition and a balanced diet in energy will go far to keep your mind, body, and spirit working in harmony. So I questioned myself as to why I felt so strongly why food and herbs seemed to me to be better secondary go-tos than primary. Purity is the answer I think. Granted if you are out in nature and eating an apple right off of a tree that was growing in the wild, then that is going to be a powerful influence. If you're in an orchard, then you're probably contending with pesticides and fertilizers and who knows what else. Buying your food from the store, you do not know what it has gone through to get to you, so relying on it to cleanse and purify your spiritual energy centers, to me, seems a bit unwise unless you are using another method to strictly oversee it. Perhaps I'm being too esoteric. I suggest This article on chakra herbs from Fractal Enlightenment. I also suggest this blog on chakras and food via the rainbow diet.
Crystals, essential oils, and color
Again, I see these also as secondary support. Although I incorporate color into everything I do, I just cannot see color alone working to balance out my chakras. Oils and crystals have the same purity issues for me. However, scent can give as strong of an emotional response as does sounds. We have all done it. When our loved one is away, we smell their shirt and get that feeling of love for them. or you smell apple pie and it reminds you of Christmas at your aunt's house when you were 8. Scent is big, but again, I don't see it as something to work completely on its own. I do believe that it is a strong go-to for helping to heal blockages and for when you need an extra boost in that chakra (more to follow). Crystals have subtle vibrations that work within our own energy fields, so I do see them as helpful to carry or wear to keep balance or to assist in healing. There is more information on these in a guide that I offer when you sign up with my blog. You can do so here... It's free and I send out exclusive information periodically as well.
One step further
Living in balance is wonderful. Sometimes though we need a little extra boost of charisma for an interview. Perhaps some extra brainpower for an upcoming test. These balancing techniques can also give us a boost in that chakra if we need it. Sending a little extra energy to your second chakra during a job interview is not a bad thing. Just as sending extra energy to the brain on test day is not. It can be as simple as wearing an orange tie or maybe a piece of citrine and doing a morning meditation in butterfly pose the morning before your interview. Perhaps it is wearing some lavender oil and wearing rose quartz on a blind date to help you keep an open heart. In fact, I keep aventurine, moldavite, blue lace agate, and a few other crystals at my computer to aid me in my writings. I also use oils extensively. I don't skimp on my yoga and meditation though. Nothing compares to the focus and energy that comes with them.
Balance on...
So go and put some of these ideas into practice and you begin to notice a change. I can promise you. Love, light, and peace my friends.